If your insurance company is Travelers Auto Insurance, you may want to pay close attention to the contents of this article. If you ever find yourself in a position where your insurance claims paid by Travelers Insurance fail to fully compensate your damages for personal injury medical bills stemming from an auto accident, you may have multiple insurance claims against your insurer.
At Florin|Roebig, we are a law firm that understands insurance policies are intended to help you succeed in life after an unexpected, catastrophic accident resulting in personal injury. With COVID-19 impacting insurance companies and businesses around the globe, insurance claims may take longer to process or result in less payout. Don’t get the run around because of a fine print disclaimer, get a free consultation after reading this article to decide if you have a Travelers Insurance claim.
Is Travelers Better Than Other Insurance Companies For Policyholders?
Unlike some liability insurance providers, Travelers has a unique Auto Accident Severity Unit. When your claim is tackled by this unit, it’s likely you’ll see a high value claim. This doesn’t necessarily make them different from other big insurance companies, however, like Allstate, who reported in 2018 gains offset by investment in high severity claims.
In recent years, Coronavirus likely impacts how a casualty insurance company handles their claims in a death case. The claims adjuster on any case is working to benefit the company they work for, ensuring that the lowest payouts are made. During 2020, the biggest five insurance companies, including Allstate, Geico, United Health, Progressive are each casualty insurance companies that service customers with multiple kinds of insurance and aren’t exclusively focused on car insurance customers. Travelers may have a service advantage focusing on property and auto insurance during the pandemic.
How Does Travelers Handle Your Personal Injury Or Wrongful Death Claim?
Like larger insurance companies, Travelers relies on insurance adjuster to determine the value of your claim. Once your new Travelers insurance policy has been underwritten and approved, it includes policy limits that determine how much you have to pay in an accident, including variables like how to handle collisions with uninsured motorists.
If you’re an underinsured New York driver with a Traveler’s policy that doesn’t adequately protect you from being underpaid for claims that include things like property damage, wrongful death and personal injury, you may not receive claim payment for factors like repairs and medical bills.
Adjusters will review the terms of your policy and make a determination on what percentage of accident claims they choose to pay using your policy limits as a guide. When you think about a car accident, you may consider variables like wrongful death and personal injury, but sometimes you assume property damage to your home is covered if you have homeowners insurance. However, you may need to make a property damage claim to your car insurance company if you have a car accident that damages your home.
The fact is, if a driver wrecks a car in your home, and they have a Travelers policy, the first claim will be made to the driver’s car insurance company, and if they refuse to pay your property damage based on the driver’s policy limits, you may have a case.
There are lots of scenarios where insurance claims may be denied. You need a lawyer to protect you.
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How To Tell If You Have A Travelers Accident Claim
If you’ve been involved in an auto accident and have auto insurance, or an accident that involves a motorist, you may have a Traveler’s insurance claim if you have incurred any of the following, subject to underwriting of your policy:
- Medical bills
- Property damage
- Auto accident
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Contact Florin|Roebig About Your Travelers Auto Insurance Accident Claim
If you read this article and are left feeling like you may have an insurance claim to make against Travelers Insurance, we will give you a free consultation and review your case.
If you’ve partnered with Travelers and believe you are not being paid enough for your insurance claims, you may need a personal injury lawyer to look at your case. Your personal injury claims are important to us. We want to ensure you get the payment you need for serious injury, and punitive damages against uninsured motorists. The law firm of Florin|Roebig, car accident lawyers in the United States, will help you reach a settlement with Travelers in the case of a personal injury or wrongful death.
With over 30 years of experience, our law firm has successfully won over $1 billion in settlements from personal injury cases by providing our clients with high-quality legal representation. Call us today for your confidential and free case evaluation.