Hurricane Sally made landfall in Pensacola as a Category 2 hurricane. The strong storm is the first storm to make a direct hit on Pensacola since Hurricane Ivan approached the city’s shores as a Category 3, causing massive devastation in its path. In Pensacola, Sally brings up to 16 inches of rain and an alarming storm surge. Here’s what you need to know to protect yourself against Hurricane Sally in Pensacola, Florida.
Why Have Hurricane Insurance Coverage In Pensacola?
In Florida, homeowner’s insurance is not a legal requirement. However, if you seek a conventional loan for your Pensacola home, you will likely need to have proof of insurance to secure the bank’s investment. It’s mandated by state law that standard homeowner’s insurance coverage covers claims for windstorm damage. However, homeowners may not be covered from additional common forms of hurricane damage unless they also have flood insurance.
Windstorm insurance can cover flooding, when flooding is associated with structural damage due to hurricane-force winds. However, if flooding occurs for another reason, for instance, a seal missing on the bottom of a door that lets in water during a hurricane, that damage likely won’t be covered unless you have additional flood insurance.
Being that the highest elevation above sea level in Florida is only 345 feet, many home are located in a marked flood zone. However, only certain high-risk zones require homeowners to purchase flood insurance. These are areas that are designated with codes that start with A or V.
Due to economic considerations and the need to protect consumers from hurricane-related damage, the Florida Legislature Legislature created Citizens Property Insurance Corp, a not for profit government entity which provides insurance protection to those otherwise unable to obtain it. Coverage obtained through this entity has built-in windstorm coverage. Citizens Property Insurance Corp insures the second-most Florida homeowners than any other company.
Hurricane Sally Damage In Pensacola
A Category 2 hurricane has winds between 96 and 110 mph. These dicey conditions are powerful enough to cause extensive damage. Residents of Pensacola will make damage claims including:
- Roofs damaged or torn off
- Siding ripped from homes
- Trees uprooted and launched into houses
- Storm surge where water elevation gets into the double digits, causing damage to homes that aren’t raised
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What To Do If Your Insurance Company Denies Your Hurricane Damage Claim
If you experience damage from Hurricane Sally and an insurance company denies your claim, here’s what you must do to get the money you deserve to protect your most important investment, your home:
- Document everything: At the time of making a claim, make sure to take pictures in bright light, natural when possible. Take photos from many different angles to show the extent of the damage. Document all damage, even small claims. Keep records of your correspondences with the insurance company, noting how they respond to you along the way.
- Collect the information: Once you’ve documented everything, it should be easy to pull together the information for your free consultation with Florin|Roebig.
- Contact the Law Firm of Florin|Roebig: Contact us for a free consultation and we will review your documents and let you know how to proceed with the case/
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Hurricane Damage Insurance Claims Lawyers Serving Pensacola, FL
When you’ve had a wind or water damage claim denied by your insurance company, you need a hurricane lawyer working for you to help you access what you are owed. If you have windstorm insurance and flood insurance and you’re getting the run-around from insurance representatives, let us work for you.
Adjusters have attorneys working on their side. You need an attorney who keeps your needs, the needs of your family and loved ones in mind and who always puts your interests first. That’s what we do when we take your case at Florin|Roebig. The attorneys at the law firm of Florin|Roebig know Florida law. If you’ve experienced damage in Hurricane Sally, or you’re still waiting to find out after evacuating, give us a call for a free consultation.