Experiencing personal injury changes you. Suddenly, you may not be able to do certain tasks for yourself, and bills keep piling up. If the party whose negligence led to your injury is not taking financial responsibility, it is time to file a personal injury claim in Fontainebleau.
The personal injury attorneys at Florin|Roebig understand your struggles and will file a strong claim on your behalf to help you win the damages you deserve.
Car Accidents And Other Incidents That Lead To Personal Injury
In Fontainebleau and Miami-Dade County, 314 people died in car crashes in 2017. Many more people live through these harrowing events, but suffer life-long injury like a spinal cord injury, and financial strain.
But beyond car accidents, people may experience personal injuries in Fontainebleau from:
- High-Rise Balcony Falls: Fontainebleau is home to numerous high-rise apartment buildings and condos, where balcony accidents can occur due to faulty railings or structural weaknesses. Florin|Roebig would investigate the building’s maintenance records, inspect the balcony’s design and construction, and consult structural engineering experts to determine the cause of the accident. By gathering evidence of negligence or violations of building codes, they would build a compelling case to secure a substantial settlement or jury verdict for the injured party.
- Swimming Pool Accidents in Residential Complexes: Many residential complexes in Fontainebleau feature swimming pools, which can be sites of injury due to inadequate supervision, poor maintenance, or lack of safety measures. Florin|Roebig would examine the pool’s safety protocols, maintenance logs, and any history of previous incidents. They would gather witness testimonies and consult with pool safety experts to demonstrate negligence on the part of the property management or pool operators, ensuring maximum compensation for their clients.
- Slip and Fall Accidents at Miami International Mall: Located near Fontainebleau, Miami International Mall attracts numerous visitors, increasing the risk of slip and fall accidents due to wet floors, debris, or uneven surfaces. Florin|Roebig would review the mall’s cleaning and maintenance schedules, analyze security footage, and collect witness statements to prove negligence by the mall’s management. They would use this evidence to argue for comprehensive compensation covering medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
What You Need To Know About Personal Injury Claims
Before filing a personal injury claim in Fontainebleau, you should understand some important legal terms and how they may impact your claim.
Negligence is an act, or failure to act, in a way that a reasonable person would to prevent harming another person or property. For example, a reasonable landlord would know that leaving an enormous pothole in their parking lot could cause someone to trip on it. Failing to secure the area and then promptly fix the hole could be considered negligence.
Comparative negligence is a concept used around the country, including Florida. It holds that when someone is injured, the negligence (fault) may lie with both sides of the claim. In other words, the person who was injured may also share fault for the accident.
The law looks at negligence as a percentage. Understanding how much fault you must claim for the incident will help you understand both the potential strength of your claim and how much compensation you may be able to win.
The statute of limitations in Florida for personal injury claims is four years. You must file within that time frame, or you lose your chance at compensation.
For these reasons, you should contact personal injury attorneys right after you get medical care. They will help you file in a timely manner as well as build a strong case to help increase your chances of getting fair compensation.
Types Of Damages Awarded For Personal Injury Claims In Fontainebleau
Medical bills are only a fraction of the loss you may have experienced because of personal injury. The courts will try to make you whole when someone else’s negligence causes you harm.
Types of damages you may be awarded in a personal injury claim may include, but are not limited to:
- physical and occupational therapy bills
- pain and suffering
- emotional trauma
- trauma therapy and other mental health
- lost job
- lost wages
- lost career, if you can no longer work in your position or field
- related property damage
- miscellaneous home expenses for things you cannot do for yourself now (e.g., cooking, transport)
- loss of enjoyment (e.g., a person who regularly plays football with friends can no longer participate because of loss of leg function)
- loss of companionship (e.g., someone loses their life, leaving loved ones with a significant hole in their lives)
- punitive damages
Punitive damages are “punishing damages”. Punitive damages are intended to “hurt” the negligent party financially, so they will take significant steps to prevent injuries to others in the future.
Knowing What Your Claim Is Worth
Each personal injury claim in Fontainebleau is unique. Discussing the individual factors of your loss with personal injury attorneys helps you understand the value of your claim.
Some of these factors may include:
- type of injury
- where injuries occurred on the body
- how many people were injured or lost their lives
- how many injuries were sustained
- whether doctors expect a full recovery
- the financial toll that the injury took or will take on life
- other tolls it will take on a quality of life, happiness, relationships, and more
One of the essential roles of personal injury lawyers in Fontainebleau is to help you understand what your personal injury claim is really worth, so you don’t receive a settlement that is far less than you deserve.
Our Featured Case Results
Do I Need To Hire A Personal Injury Attorney?
You can file a personal injury claim in Fontainebleau without hiring personal injury attorneys. But before you do, you should consider how working with personal injury lawyers in Fontainebleau may impact the outcome of your claim.
The benefits of hiring a personal injury lawyer include:
- no out-of-pocket legal costs, since personal injury attorneys are usually paid when they win a case
- less paperwork and fewer deadlines
- having someone else make sure that all required parties are sharing evidence
- a chance at a better outcome, since you are working with professionals who are experts in their field
- the option to settle out of court with no regrets because a lawyer can build such a strong case that the other party fears letting a jury decide
- someone who can guide and support you through the trial process, if the other party is not reasonable in their settlement offer
List Of Personal Injury Lawyers Serving Fontainebleau
Hiring a lawyer can significantly alter the outcome of your claim. But it’s also important to work with attorneys who have significant trial experience and a history of winning big cases for clients.
Florin|Roebig is this kind of law firm. We serve clients throughout the state of Florida, and can help you file a strong personal injury claim in Fontainebleau.
Our experienced personal injury lawyers include:
- Wil H. Florin, B.C.S.
- Tommy D. Roebig, B.C.S.
- Shaun M. Cummings
- Luca G Esposito
- Michael A. Ossi, O.C.
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
Reach Out For Help With Your Personal Injury Claim
If the negligence of another has harmed you, filing a personal injury claim in Fontainebleau can get you on your way toward a resolution. The personal injury attorneys at Florin|Roebig have over 30 years of trial experience, and we have a track record of winning substantial damages for our clients. Please contact our office to discuss the unique details of your claim.