How Much Should I Settle For After A Car Accident? A car accident settlement is paid by the person at fault in an accident to the person who has been injured or suffered property damage. After getting into a car crash, injured parties can seek a settlement by: filing an auto accident injury claim with the insurance company of the driver at-fault filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver Getting the best possible payout for an accident injury and property damage can depend on a variety of factors. These include personal factors such your car insurance policy and whether you have an experienced injury attorney. If you’ve suffered bodily injury or other harm in a car accident at the fault of another, an experienced car accident lawyer can help you get the best possible settlement amount based on the details of your case. What Is The Average Car Accident Settlement? It can be helpful to know what the average settlement is worth in order to compare car accident claims with similar details. Yet many factors can affect the estimated value of a personal injury settlement. Factors that can affect a settlement amount include: seriousness of the accident types of injuries sustained types of insurance policies owned by each driver involved in the accident property damage value of vehicle repair and replacement costs out-of-pocket expenses percentage of fault for the accident state of residence negotiation skills of your car accident lawyer The average settlement for a car accident can range anywhere from $14,000 to $30,000. How much a car accident settlement will be may depend on how serious your injuries are, the severity of your property damage, insurance coverage, and other factors. Car accidents that are more serious may have a greater value. Calculating the value of your case after an auto accident can be complicated. A car accident lawyer can give you more information on how they might calculate an estimate for your settlement. What’s Included In A Car Accident Settlement? It’s important to understand that not every auto accident settlement is worth the same amount. If you’ve suffered serious injury from the accident, this might increase the worth of your settlement to compensate for additional pain and suffering. The payment that’s awarded in a settlement is in the form of damages. Damages in car accident cases are typically in the form of monetary compensation. Compensatory damages can be economic and non-economic damages, and are awarded based on the specific details of each case. Types of damages that may be awarded in a car accident settlement include: current medical expenses future medical bills lost wages vehicle damage pain and suffering mental anguish physical therapy/rehabilitation loss of earning capacity An experienced personal injury lawyer can determine the types of damages you’re eligible for based on the types of damages you’ve sustained and other factors. Why It’s Important To Get An Experienced Car Accident Lawyer Getting a fair settlement offer after an automobile accident is not a process you want to go through without an experienced lawyer. Insurance companies and defendants in personal injury suits may look for ways to reduce the amount of money they have to pay car accident victims. A car accident attorney can fight to ensure you receive a settlement offer that is fair. When seeking legal representation, it’s not enough to just choose any lawyer. When deciding who you’re going to hire to represent you, experience matters. What to look for when choosing a car accident lawyer: Experience Handling Car Accident Settlements Not all personal injury lawyers are experienced at handling car accident cases, but personal injury cases require a specific skill-set. When seeking a lawyer, make sure they have formal experience in representing injured victims in car accident cases. Strong Track Record In addition to experience with car accident cases, you also want to choose a lawyer who has a long record of winning cases. A lawyer should be able to provide you with examples of cases they’ve won. You may also ask them to refer you to former personal injury clients who can attest to their legal skills. Good communication skills The ability to communicate clearly and effectively with clients is an important legal skill. If the lawyer you’re talking to is dodging questions, not giving straight answers, or being a difficult person to work with, move on. A good communicator is a good negotiator. Professional connections and resources Working on a legal case is not a solitary act. Having connections with other legal experts, medical professionals, and other industry experts is a sign of an experienced and trustworthy lawyer. Your car accident attorney will also be able to pore over your medical records, motorist coverage, and any insurance claims you have made to use for your case. Since 1985, Florin|Roebig law firm has been fighting to defend the rights of people who have been injured and securing fair settlements on their behalf. We’ve secured over $1 billion for clients nationwide, including those who have been injured in car, truck, and motorcycle crashes. We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers Contact Us Today For A Free Consultation To give yourself a chance at the best possible settlement after a car accident, don’t wait to learn what our personal injury lawyers can do for you or your loved one. Contact Florin|Roebig law firm today to schedule a free consultation with one of our top-rated lawyers to get started on your personal injury claim.