Getting a massage should be a relaxing experience. When done correctly, massages can benefit a recipient’s physical and mental health, easing soreness and creating a sense of comfort and well-being.
Unfortunately, this pleasant experience can become a nightmare for many recipients. Massage therapy misconduct is a common problem even among large chains like Massage Envy, which have the resources to thoroughly background check employees. A 2017 expose by BuzzFeed News revealed that Massage Envy employees had over 180 sexual assault complaints filed against them.
New allegations against Massage Envy employees are reported every year. Many victims report that management at the franchise locations and corporate staff have been less than helpful when they reported their abuse, giving scripted responses or stonewalling.
Despite this behavior, many sexual abuse victims have had the bravery to pursue justice through the courts, holding the perpetrators and their employers accountable. Although challenging, reporting abuse allows victims to pursue compensation and prevent future harm.
If you’ve experienced sexual assault, you don’t have to fight alone. Working with an experienced sexual abuse lawyer can reduce the burdens placed on the victim and ensure that you receive the maximum compensation available to you. Florin|Roebig’s team of compassionate experts can help you understand your legal options through a free consultation.
Understanding Sexual Abuse in a Massage Setting
Sexual misconduct at massage therapy can take many forms. Some perpetrators will engage in a slow escalation of behaviors, engaging in increasing violent boundary violations as visits continue. Others attack out of nowhere.
Perpetrators rely on the private, high-contact nature of the massage to hide their behavior, sometimes for years. Understanding what massage abuse can look like is one of the first steps to ensuring abusers face justice.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual touching or bodywork
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
Sexual assault has devastating effects on a survivor’s physical, mental, and emotional health. They can suffer from a wide range of consequences that can affect their relationships, health, and ability to work.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Many victims of massage sexual assault may not realize what happened to them immediately or recognize that they were assaulted. If you have had a negative experience at Massage Envy and you’re unsure if it qualifies as sexual abuse, reach out to our team today. We can help you understand your experience, provide resources, and fight for compensation and justice.”
Recognizing Red Flags During and After a Massage
Massage requires a certain amount of intimate touch and is private by nature. This makes it a perfect environment for predators who abuse the trust of their clients.
Recognizing abuse in this climate can be difficult, and many abusers and the companies they work for will actively work to gaslight victims into doubting their lived experiences.
If you suspect that you have been a victim of massage therapy misconduct, speak to an expert sexual assault attorney as soon as possible. Florin|Roebig offers every potential client a free initial consultation. Our team can help clarify your situation and your best options for compensation.
Signs of inappropriate massage therapy conduct:
- Pushy or pressuring behavior: The masseuse pushes past the clear boundaries you have set, either by ignoring them or verbally pressuring you.
- Does not seek consent: Does your masseuse communicate what they will do before they do it? Do they ask before touching a new part of your body? Do they ask before removing or shifting coverings?
- Verbal harassment: Inappropriate questions, sexual harassment, excessive talk about their sexual preferences or activities, inappropriate jokes, and unprofessional commentary on your body can all be red flags.
- Lack of proper equipment: Failure to provide appropriate coverings, such as sheets or towels, or refusal to wear gloves when requested can be a sign of danger.
- A lack of professional boundaries: Does your masseuse attempt to make physical contact outside their work?
- Anxiety and discomfort: If you feel anxious, stressed, upset, or uncomfortable during or after your session, trust your gut and examine the interaction for other red flags.
Remember, you can stop your massage at any time. You do not need to provide the masseuse with a reason or apologize. “No” is a complete sentence.
Immediate Steps to Take if You Were Sexually Abused at Massage Envy
Sexual assault is a deeply traumatic experience, and many victims struggle with what to do in the aftermath. The steps below are meant to offer guidance on how to protect your rights and protect yourself after an assault.
How to take steps after sexual misconduct:
- Protect Yourself: Remove yourself from the situation and ensure your immediate safety. Remember, you can stop a massage session at any time.
- Document details: Take note of dates, times, the therapist’s name, and behavior. If you feel able to do so, report the sexual abuse to management and the authorities.
- Preserve evidence: This includes clothing and communication records like emails, phone messages, texts, and receipts.
- Hire a lawyer: Getting legal guidance is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and your ability to seek compensation for your injuries.
If you have been the victim of sexual assault at Massage Envy and you don’t feel able to take these steps, you are not alone. Many victims enter a freeze state after a trauma. If you can, speak to a trusted friend or family member who can help you access the resources you need and begin seeking justice.
Reporting the Abuse to Authorities and Management
Many victims of sexual assault in a massage setting are hesitant to report the issue. Worries about judgment, discomfort with the legal system, a desire to move on with your life, and other concerns can make reporting sexual misconduct difficult.
However, when victims choose to report sexual misconduct, it not only protects their right to compensation but also helps to prevent further harm by holding perpetrators and negligent companies accountable. There are several entities victims should keep in mind when making a Massage Envy sexual abuse report.
Where to file a complaint:
- Local law enforcement: Victims of sexual abuse can file a complaint with local law enforcement by visiting a police station or calling the non-emergency phone number.
- Massage Envy: The victim should also report the abuse to franchise management, which can be done in person, over the phone, or via email. Because Massage Envy is a large corporation, victims can also complain to the corporate office through the contact information on its website. Do your best to document any communication you have with the organization.
- State licensing boards or local professional organizations: Most states, though not all, require masseuses to be licensed. You can report complaints of sexual assault to the state licensing board or other professional organizations in your area. Doing so can lead to the revocation of the abuser’s license, preventing them from harming others.
Our Featured Case Results
Seeking Legal Help and Filing a Lawsuit Against Massage Envy
When taking legal action for sexual misconduct, victims can pursue justice through both the criminal and the civil court system simultaneously. The goal of a criminal case is to punish the perpetrator. Punishment may include fines, de-licensing, and jail time.
Civil cases allow victims to seek compensation for their injuries. They have a lower burden of proof, meaning that even if a criminal case does not succeed, a civil case may, giving many victims a second opportunity to seek justice.
Sexual abuse lawsuits are complex and emotionally charged. Victims struggling to recover from the trauma of an assault may not have the energy physically or emotionally to pursue justice without support.
An experienced sexual abuse attorney helps you navigate the legal process, reducing stress while maximizing your potential compensation. Florin|Roebig’s sexual abuse attorneys are uniquely qualified to handle massage abuse cases.
We have decades of combined experience handling complex sexual assault cases and a long history of successful outcomes, including a record-setting $47.4 million verdict for a massage abuse case.
Compensation for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Massage Settings
Compensation for sexual abuse victims can be broken down into two broad categories: punitive and compensatory. Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator and deter them from committing future harm.
Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the victim for the tangible and intangible losses they have suffered as a result of the assault. They may be granted for economic or non-economic damages.
Examples of compensatory damages:
- Medical bills
- Therapy costs
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
When seeking damages in sexual misconduct cases, victims can pursue compensation from both the perpetrator and, in some cases, from the franchise owner or corporation. Working with a sexual abuse attorney ensures that you understand all your options for seeking compensation and that all negligent parties are held accountable.
Overcoming Emotional and Psychological Trauma
Recovery after abuse takes time. In addition to seeking justice and compensation through the courts, many victims benefit from pursuing other forms of emotional and mental support.
Many victims choose to work with a therapist to process and overcome their trauma and any resulting mental conditions. Trauma therapy may involve one-on-one work with a therapist. It may also include group counseling or other support groups where victims can connect with others who have had similar experiences.
Groups like RAINN offer free support for sexual abuse victims, like the National Sexual Assault Hotline, which you can reach at (800) 656-4673 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The group also provides free resources regarding laws in different states, a live chat function, and access to other valuable information.
There is no timeline for recovery, and everyone’s experience is different. Be kind to yourself, know you are not alone and not at fault, and seek help when needed.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Abuse Case
Florin|Roebig attorneys are uniquely positioned to help victims of massage parlor sexual abuse. Our team has decades of experience handling complex sexual abuse cases and a record of success that speaks for itself, including a record-setting $47.4 million verdict in a massage abuse case.
Our team of experienced sexual abuse lawyers provides every client with individualized, compassionate care and attention to detail. From the initial free consultation, our goal is to help every client understand their options, guide them through the legal process, and give them the time and space they need to recover.
We pride ourselves on providing expert legal help for victims, putting them on equal footing with major corporations and their professional legal teams. We will fight for justice for you every step of the way, helping you receive the maximum compensation you are entitled to and holding perpetrators accountable.
Practical Advice for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Abuse at Massage Establishments
Massage can be a positive physical and emotional experience when done safely. But how can you protect yourself during massage therapy when so much of the experience can provide a screen for abusers?
Safe massage practices:
- Do your research: Invest some time in researching your masseuse and the facility where they work. Read reviews online and check the public-facing records of state licensing boards or professional organizations that can provide additional information. Ensure that your masseuse is fully certified, and if you are going to a chain like Massage Envy, research their company policies surrounding sexual assault and past responses to incidents.
- Set clear boundaries: Before the massage begins, set clear boundaries with your masseuse regarding your comfort levels with touch and exposure. How they respond to these boundaries will tell you a lot. A masseuse who immediately pressures you into changing your boundaries is waving a red flag.
- Use the buddy system: If possible, do not attend your appointment alone. Even if you have seen your masseuse several times, continuing to use the buddy system can make you a less likely target for abuse.
- Know your rights: You can stop a massage session anytime. You are not required to offer an explanation or apologize for your choice. You have the right to report any uncomfortable incident, including comments, touching, jokes, etc., to management. Sexual abuse is often part of an escalating pattern of behavior, so it’s essential to trust your gut over seemingly minor issues in the beginning.
Remember, your assault was not your fault. No amount of preparation and care can completely prevent sexual abuse by a determined and experienced perpetrator.
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
When victims take action against massage misconduct, they not only protect their ability to collect compensation for their injuries but also prevent their abusers from continuing to harm others.
If you’ve been assaulted and you are struggling to cope, reach out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-4673. When you are ready, our team will be there to help you fight against your abuser and the employers who have shielded them from the consequences of their actions.
Florin|Roebig sexual abuse attorneys working in Florida, Colorado, Texas, and Minnesota can help victims of Massage Envy sexual assault hold their abusers accountable and get the compensation they need to recover. We provide expert legal help for sexual abuse victims, guiding our clients through every step of the legal process. Since our founding in 1985, our team has won over $1 billion in client results.
If you are ready to pursue justice and compensation for your assault, contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
- Fill out our online form anytime, and we’ll reply promptly.
- Call the phone number for your area 24/7.
- Use our chat feature day or night.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I sue Massage Envy for sexual abuse by an employee?
It is possible in some cases to hold employers or franchises partially responsible in sexual assault cases if the victim can prove that they were negligent in the hiring or management of the perpetrator.
What if I didn’t report the incident immediately?
It’s not unusual for victims of sexual assault to struggle with speaking about their experiences. Many victims are still able to recover compensation even if they did not immediately report their assault.
How long do I have to file a lawsuit for sexual abuse?
The statute of limitations varies depending on the state. Most states have more lenient deadlines for sexual assault cases, understanding that it may take victims some time to feel comfortable speaking about their experiences. However, acting quickly is best to avoid missing crucial deadlines.