Getting a massage should be a healing and relaxing experience. A good massage, performed by a qualified professional, can have mental and physical benefits, decreasing muscle soreness and promoting a general sense of comfort and well-being.
However, massage therapy misconduct is a tragically common problem that can turn what should be a pleasant experience into a lasting trauma for survivors. Sexual assault is a pervasive issue in the massage industry despite recent efforts to step up licensing and regulation on a state level.
Even large chains like Massage Heights, which have the resources to background check employees, often fail to protect their customers—during the recent trial of a Massage Heights therapist, co-founder and former CEO Shane Evans admitted to knowledge of at least 53 counts of sexual misconduct by employees that the company simply chose not to address.
Sexual abuse victims often face an uphill battle to have their concerns treated seriously by companies like Massage Heights. But survivors who seek justice and compensation don’t have to do so alone. Working with an experienced sexual abuse lawyer can help victims access the support and resources they need to bring their case to a successful conclusion.
Florin|Roebig offers every potential client a free initial consultation. Our team of personal injury experts has decades of combined experience navigating complex sexual assault cases, standing up to major corporations to get clients the maximum compensation they are entitled to.
Understanding Sexual Abuse in a Massage Setting
Sexual misconduct in massage therapy does not follow one set pattern, which can make it difficult for victims to understand and recognize. Some perpetrators attack suddenly and violently. Others are more subtle, engaging in a pattern of increasingly dangerous boundary violations that can leave victims doubting their lived experiences.
The list below offers some examples of what massage sexual misconduct can look like, but it is by no means a complete list. If you have had a negative massage experience, speaking to a sexual abuse lawyer can help clarify your experience and help you understand your options.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual touching or bodywork
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
Survivors of sexual assault often suffer from a wide range of physical, mental, and emotional consequences. The trauma of an assault can have far-reaching effects, impacting their relationships, careers, and health.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Recognizing Red Flags During and After a Massage
Recognizing abuse in a massage setting can be difficult. While cases involving sudden, violent attacks are easy to identify as massage session misconduct, other cases can be more challenging to diagnose.
Massage is a high-contact endeavor that naturally involves intimate touch. Additionally, most massages take place in a private one-on-one setting, without witnesses. Experienced abusers take advantage of their client’s trust and the isolation afforded by massage settings to do enormous harm.
Sexual assault is generally underreported. Many abusers get away with their crimes for years before a survivor has the combination of courage and knowledge required to step forward and report them.
Understanding what inappropriate behavior looks like before it becomes violent can help massage customers keep themselves safe. Remember that you can end a massage anytime, for any reason. You do not have to explain.
Signs of inappropriate massage therapy conduct:
- Pushy or pressuring behavior: Does your masseuse push past the clear boundaries you have set by physically ignoring them or verbally pressuring you?
- Does not seek consent: Does your masseuse communicate what they will do before they do it? Do they ask before touching a new part of your body? Do they ask before removing or shifting coverings?
- Verbal harassment: Red flags include inappropriate questions, sexual harassment, excessive talk about their sexual preferences or activities, inappropriate jokes, and unprofessional commentary on your body.
- Lack of proper equipment: Does your masseuse provide appropriate coverings like sheets or towels? Do they wear gloves when requested?
- A lack of professional boundaries: Does your masseuse attempt to make physical contact outside their work?
- Anxiety and discomfort: Do you feel anxious, stressed, upset, or uncomfortable during or after your session?
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Many massage chains downplay or dismiss reports of sexual assault to gaslight or manipulate victims. If you’ve had a negative, uncomfortable, or frightening experience at Massage Heights or another chain, trust your gut and seek experienced legal guidance.”
Immediate Steps to Take if You Were Sexually Abused at Massage Heights
If you were sexually abused at Massage Heights and you are unsure of what to do next, there are some simple steps you can take to protect your rights and yourself. Due to the traumatizing nature of sexual assault, not all victims feel able to speak about their experiences immediately.
Choosing to report sexual abuse, even if you cannot do so immediately, is an act of courage that not only helps secure your ability to collect compensation for your injuries but also helps prevent future harm.
How to take steps after sexual misconduct:
- Protect Yourself: Remove yourself from the situation and ensure your immediate safety. Remember, you can end a massage session at any time. If the perpetrator objects, do what you need to do, including causing a scene if necessary.
- Document details: Record dates, times, the therapist’s name, and behavior. If you can, report the sexual abuse to management and the authorities. Maintaining a paper trail is crucial when building a claim.
- Preserve evidence: Evidence such as clothing and communication records such as emails, phone messages, texts, and receipts form an essential foundation for a later legal claim.
- Hire a lawyer: Getting legal guidance is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself and your ability to seek compensation for your injuries.
Those who need support can call the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-4673. Once you feel safe, speak to a trusted friend or family member who can help you complete the steps above.
Reporting the Abuse to Authorities and Management
While it is best practice to report abuse immediately, there are many reasons why a survivor may wait. Shock, fear of judgment, lack of support, and misunderstandings about the cost of legal representation can all lead victims to delay or avoid reporting sexual assault.
You can still file a Massage Heights sexual abuse report even after time has passed. Most states have generous statutes of limitations surrounding sexual assault cases, generally several years.
When you are ready, the organizations below can act on reports of massage parlor sexual abuse.
Where to file a complaint:
- Local law enforcement: Survivors can report sexual misconduct to local law enforcement by calling the non-emergency phone number or visiting the local police station.
- Massage Heights: Survivors can report sexual assault to management at the branch where the incident occurred and to corporate headquarters through the contact information on their website. Do your best to document any communication you have with the organization at the franchise or corporate level.
- State licensing boards or local professional organizations: Forty-seven out of fifty states have regulations surrounding massage. Victims can report abuse to these licensing boards or other regulatory organizations. Reporting to these agencies can lead to delicensing and other professional consequences for the abuser.
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Seeking Legal Help and Filing a Lawsuit
Sexual assault cases can be complex. One of the best things victims can do for themselves is to secure legal guidance as soon as possible. Working with an experienced sexual assault attorney can help victims navigate sensitive sexual abuse cases, minimizing potential mistakes, reducing stress, and maximizing potential compensation.
Sexual abuse lawsuits can be tried in the civil and criminal courts simultaneously. A conviction in a criminal trial leads to punishment for the perpetrator, such as fines, delicensing, or jail time. Criminal trials require the victim to prove what happened beyond a reasonable doubt.
A conviction in a civil trial usually results in monetary compensation for the victim. Civil trials have a lower burden of proof, so they may succeed in holding an abuser accountable even if a criminal trial has failed.
If you are ready to take legal action for sexual misconduct, Florin|Roebig’s sexual abuse attorneys can help guide you through every step of the process. Our team has decades of combined experience handling complex sexual assault cases.
All Florin|Roebig team members are dedicated to providing individualized attention to every client and every case. We have won over $1 billion in results, including a record-setting $47.4 million verdict in a massage abuse case.
Compensation for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Massage Settings
Damages in sexual misconduct cases are divided into two primary categories: compensatory and punitive. Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator. They are only granted in cases of professional negligence or intentional harm. Punitive damages are meant to deter future bad behavior.
Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the victim for losses they have suffered due to the assault. These losses may be tangible and economic or intangible and non-economic.
Examples of compensatory damages:
- Medical bills
- Therapy costs
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
The list above is meant to provide examples of some types of compensatory damages, but it is by no means complete. Working with a sexual abuse attorney who understands the nuances of sexual abuse claims helps ensure that you are compensated for all of the harm done to you.
Your lawyer can also help you find out if you have a case against the business owner or the Massage Heights franchise in addition to the perpetrator. In some cases, employers can be held accountable if they are found to have behaved negligently and must also offer compensation for sexual abuse victims.
Overcoming Emotional and Psychological Trauma
There is no single correct timeline for recovery after abuse, and every survivor’s recovery journey looks different. While seeking the support of a legal professional is essential for pursuing justice and compensation, many survivors benefit from additional forms of support like trauma therapy.
Some victims prefer one-on-one counseling from a therapist. In contrast, others benefit from attending group therapy or support groups where they can connect with other survivors who have similar experiences.
RAINN offers multiple types of support for sexual abuse victims, operating the National Sexual Assault Hotline at (800) 656-4673, tracking laws and deadlines by state, and providing other free resources.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Abuse Case
Florin|Roebig attorneys provide expert legal help for victims. Our experienced sexual abuse lawyers have decades of combined experience handling sensitive sexual assault cases. Our team has won over $1 billion in results for our clients, including a record-breaking $47.4 million verdict on a massage abuse case.
Following your free case assessment, Florin|Roebig’s expert sexual assault lawyers provide individualized guidance through every step of the legal process. Our team can help gather evidence, build your case, negotiate, and—if needed—bring your case to trial.
Let our team fight for you. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation.
Practical Advice for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Abuse at Massage Establishments
Your assault was not your fault. No amount of preparation can completely prevent sexual abuse by a determined and experienced perpetrator. However, the guidelines below offer some preventative measures to help you protect yourself during massage therapy and minimize risk.
Safe massage practices:
- Research thoroughly: Read reviews of the masseuse and facility before booking. Ensure that your massage therapist is fully licensed and certified. Check any public-facing records compiled by local or state-level professional organizations.
- Set clear boundaries: Set clear boundaries with your masseuse regarding your comfort levels with touch and exposure before the massage begins. A masseuse who immediately pressures you into changing those boundaries is probably a bad fit.
- Buddy up: Do not attend your appointment alone. Even if you have seen your masseuse several times, using the buddy system can make you a less appealing target.
- Know your rights: You can stop the massage session anytime without explanation or apologies. You also have the right to report uncomfortable or inappropriate comments, behaviors, or actions to management or the authorities. Finally, you have the right to seek legal guidance and advice following an assault.
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Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
Sexual assault is a devastating trauma that affects people of all ages and genders. Many survivors struggle for years, unsure of where to turn or what to do after an attack. Remember that you are not alone. There is legal help for sexual abuse victims available.
Reporting massage sexual assault is the first step to securing compensation for your injuries and holding the perpetrator and their negligent employers accountable. Florin|Roebig has locations in Florida, Texas, Colorado, and Minnesota, with experienced lawyers ready and waiting to assist Massage Heights abuse victims in these states.
Florin|Roebig’s sexual abuse attorneys provide all potential clients with a free initial consultation and expert support and guidance through the entire legal process. If you are ready to take action against massage misconduct, don’t wait. Contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
- Fill out our online form anytime, and we’ll reply promptly.
- Call the phone number for your area 24/7.
- Use our chat feature day or night.
FAQs About Sexual Abuse at Massage Heights
Can I sue Massage Heights for sexual abuse by an employee?
Survivors may be able to hold Massage Heights responsible for part of their sexual abuse if it can be proved that the company behaved negligently.
What if I didn’t report the incident immediately?
You may still be eligible to file a sexual assault lawsuit even if you did not report the incident immediately. Many sexual assault survivors struggle to report the incident at first.
How long do I have to file a lawsuit for sexual abuse?
The statute of limitations varies by state, but most give victims two years or more to take action in sexual assault cases.