Getting a massage should be a healing and relaxing experience. Massages can help ease body pain and improve mental health by promoting mindfulness and increasing relaxation. Unfortunately, experienced abusers often take advantage of the intimate and private nature of massage, subjecting their clients to sexual violence and harassment.
If you are one of the many people for whom this healing activity has become a nightmare, you don’t have to try to fight alone. Arlington spa sexual assault lawyers help victims file sexual abuse claims. The right lawyer can help guide you through every step of the claims process, reducing stress while maximizing potential compensation.
The expert sexual abuse attorneys at Florin|Roebig help their clients hold perpetrators and the institutions that protect them accountable for their violence and negligence, securing compensation for the victims and preventing future harm.
Understanding Sexual Assault in Spa and Massage Settings
Sexual assault can affect anyone regardless of age, race, gender, or socioeconomic status. It is a devastatingly common problem affecting one American every 68 seconds, according to RAINN, a national organization dedicated to supporting survivors.
Assault can happen anywhere at any time. Massage therapist sexual assault can be challenging to recognize as the conditions under which it occurs can vary widely. Some abusers attack suddenly and violently, while others engage in grooming behavior, slowly escalating their inappropriate behavior.
It’s not unusual for perpetrators—and their employers—in spa misconduct claims to manipulate and gaslight victims into doubting their experiences. If you have had an upsetting experience like the ones listed below during a massage, you should seek legal advice as soon as possible.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual bodywork or inappropriate touching during massage
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
The trauma from a sexual assault can manifest in many different ways. Many victims feel the impact of sexual abuse on their physical health, mental well-being, and their financial situation.
Victims can end up struggling with significant medical costs, lost wages, and relationship difficulties. Filing a sexual assault lawsuit allows victims to seek compensation and justice for these damages.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Why Spa and Massage Sexual Assault Occurs
Spa massage sexual assault has become a hot topic in the news in recent years. Hundreds of victims have come forward with allegations of sexual assault and harassment that they’ve experienced while receiving a massage.
One Buzzfeed expose revealed that over 180 women had accused Massage Envy therapists of sexual assault and that many of these claims had been mishandled by the company. Other popular chains like Massage Heights, Elements Massage, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa, Spavia Day Spa, and countless smaller institutions have also had problems.
But what makes sexual assault in massage settings so common? While the causes of massage sexual misconduct vary, one of the biggest is therapist abuse of trust. Massages are usually conducted in private and naturally require significant touch. The conventions of massage can make it easy for experienced abusers to take advantage of and coerce vulnerable clients.
Many predators operate for years due to a lack of spa accountability and exploitation of trust in professional massage settings. Popular spa chains and owners often fail to do adequate background checks when hiring. Many also have lax or nonexistent policies for handling and following up on complaints. This negligence gives abusers continued access to victims.
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Spa owner negligence is a major contributor to incidents of massage sexual assault. Frequently, owners and franchises should have known that an abuser represented a danger based on past complaints or a cursory background check. Your lawyer can help you hold these negligent business owners accountable for their share in your injuries.”
Steps to Take if You Are Sexually Assaulted During a Spa or Massage Session
Many survivors feel depressed, trapped, angry, or frozen after their experiences.
However, Arlington sexual abuse victims can take back control after an assault, seeking justice and compensation for their injuries.
If you have been sexually assaulted and are finding it difficult to take action, you are not alone. If possible, confide in a trusted friend or family member who can help you take the steps below.
Steps to take after a spa or massage assault:
- Stay safe: Protecting yourself is your top priority. Leave the premises and secure a safe location. If anyone tries to stop you from leaving, don’t be afraid to cause a scene if it’s what you must do to stay safe.
- Document the incident: Details matter when filing a sexual assault lawsuit. Record the therapist’s details, including the date, time, and behavior. Consistent and accurate documentation strengthens your claim, making it more likely to succeed.
- Make a report: Always report sexual assault as soon as possible. Although challenging, victims should report the incident to law enforcement and spa management. If possible, ensure you have records of any communication between yourself and the facility.
- Preserve any evidence: Acting quickly to preserve crucial evidence gives your case the best possible chance of success. The clothing you wore, receipts, communication records, and witness information can all be used to build your case. A good lawyer can handle gathering most evidence for you.
- Seek legal advice: Working with an experienced sexual assault attorney can help protect your legal rights to justice and compensation. A good attorney will guide you through every step of the legal process, preventing small mistakes and maximizing potential compensation. Seeking legal advice is one of the best things you can do to help your case succeed.
Reporting Sexual Assault to Authorities and Institutions
Many victims struggle with reporting their assault. Fears about stigma, retaliation, or law enforcement can make some victims reluctant to file a sexual assault report. However, reporting assault is an essential step in ensuring that abusers face punishment and that victims can secure compensation.
There are several organizations that survivors and their legal teams can report to, all of which can help to hold perpetrators responsible in different ways.
- Law Enforcement: Survivors can file a spa sexual misconduct report with Texas law enforcement in person at a local police station or by using the police nonemergency number. Making a police report opens the door to possible criminal charges against your abuser pending an investigation.
- Corporate: Reporting the incident to management at the facility—either in person, by phone, or through email—creates a valuable paper trail that can be used later to support your claim. If you were assaulted at a chain or franchise, you can also use the contact information on the company’s website to report the incident.
- State Licensing/Professional Organizations: Reporting the abuser to the state licensing board or a local professional organization makes it more difficult for that person to re-offend. They may have their license revoked or suspended, which makes the professional community aware that they are dangerous.
Legal Rights of Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault in Texas
Sexual assault is a crime, meaning perpetrators can be held accountable through both the civil and criminal court system. Civil and criminal trials have different purposes and are pursued by different entities.
The state can choose to pursue criminal charges following an investigation. Not every criminal investigation leads to charges. A criminal trial aims to determine the accused’s innocence or guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When found guilty in a criminal trial, abusers are often forced to pay fines, delicensed, or sentenced to jail time.
Texas sexual assault laws also allow survivors to pursue a civil lawsuit—either simultaneously or following—a criminal trial. Civil lawsuits are brought by the victim against the perpetrator. They have a lower burden of proof, meaning that even if a criminal trial did not result in a conviction, a civil lawsuit may still succeed.
Civil sexual assault lawsuits are one facet of personal injury law and are an essential way of protecting the legal rights of victims. The goal of a sexual abuse lawsuit is to seek justice and compensation for the injuries a victim has sustained. In addition to holding the abuser accountable, victims may also be able to seek compensation from the facility or business where the assault took place.
The statute of limitations for sexual assault varies widely depending on a number of factors. In Texas, victims have anywhere between 2 and 20 years to file a sexual assault lawsuit.
Factors that affect the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims:
- The age of the victim
- If the assault is considered aggravated
- Whether you are filing criminal or civil charges
Although the statute of limitations is generous, it’s best to speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Gathering evidence is much easier soon after an assault, giving your case a better chance of success.
Why You Need an Arlington Spa Massage Sexual Assault Lawyer
Sexual assault cases are complex and sensitive, often requiring expertise to navigate successfully. Working with skilled Arlington abuse attorneys helps victims cope with the heavy demands of the legal system, reducing clients’ stress and allowing them to focus on recovery.
Experienced sexual assault lawyers help their clients with every step of the claims process. Your lawyer can help you investigate the incident and gather evidence, building a strong case and minimizing potential errors that could negatively impact your ability to collect fair and complete compensation.
While the state may seek justice on your behalf through a criminal investigation and trial, a criminal conviction will not result in compensation for the harm done to you. Beginning a civil claim by seeking legal representation for sexual abuse is one of the best things victims can do to protect their peace of mind and their right to just compensation for their injuries.
Our Featured Case Results
Compensation for Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault
Compensation for sexual assault victims is generally monetary and is awarded in the form of damages. Damages in Arlington sexual abuse claims can be awarded to compensate the victim or to punish the perpetrator.
Types of damages in abuse cases:
- Compensatory damages: Compensatory damages compensate the victim for the tangible and intangible harm they have received due to the assault. They can cover medical expenses, such as physical injuries or therapy, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other financial losses.
- Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator in cases of gross negligence by the spa or therapist. They are meant to deter future negligence and bad behavior.
When seeking compensation for sexual assault, don’t fight alone. A lawyer can leverage their expertise to ensure the maximum possible compensation.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Assault Case
Florin|Roebig’s expert Arlington spa sexual misconduct lawyers have the tools and the experience to help vulnerable survivors get the compensation and justice they are due. Since our founding in 1985, our firm has won over $1 billion in results for our clients, including a record-setting $47.4 million verdict in a massage abuse case.
Our team of compassionate experts has decades of combined experience navigating complex sexual assault cases. We understand that every case and every client is different, and we pride ourselves on providing the individualized legal guidance claims need to succeed right from the moment of the initial free consultation.
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “You deserve compensation for the harm done to you. Working with top-rated sexual abuse lawyers helps you pursue the maximum compensation you are due without the stress of navigating the legal system alone. Florin|Roebig attorneys are always ready to help clients fight for the justice and compensation they need to recover.”
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
FAQs About Spa Massage Sexual Assault Claims
Can I sue the spa or massage therapist for sexual assault?
Yes. Most victims of sexual assault can pursue justice in both the civil and criminal courts. Depending on the circumstances of your assault, you may also be able to hold the perpetrator’s employers partially accountable.
What if I didn’t report the assault immediately?
Because of the shock and trauma of sexual assault, many victims delay or avoid reporting the incident. You can still file a sexual assault claim even if you did not report the incident immediately.
How long do I have to file a claim in Texas?
Adults who are sexually assaulted have five years after the date of the incident to make their claim. Minors may have up to 20 years following their eighteenth birthday.
What types of evidence do I need for a sexual abuse case?
Witness statements, receipts, communication records, police reports, medical records and evaluations, and CCTV footage can all be used as evidence in sexual assault trials. Your lawyer can help you gather the necessary evidence.
How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for my case?
Upfront costs are low because most reputable personal injury lawyers work on contingency, meaning they don’t get paid unless you win. The lawyer then receives a predetermined percentage of the award amount.
Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
Sexual assault is a life-changing trauma that can leave victims isolated and afraid. It can be hard to know where to turn and what to do after an assault, but victims don’t have to seek justice alone. Arlington sexual abuse lawyers guide clients through the claims process, providing support and expertise at every stage.
Florin|Roebig attorneys provide expert legal help for sexual assault victims, reducing stress while maximizing potential compensation. Our team has the resources to hold major chains accountable for their negligence, allowing our clients to seek compensation from everyone responsible for their injuries, including the perpetrator, the business owner, and even the franchise.
If you or someone you love has experienced spa massage sexual assault and you are ready to explore your options for compensation, contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
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