Receiving a massage has acknowledged medical benefits. When done by a reputable professional, massage can help people manage physical ailments like muscle soreness and migraines. It can also improve mental health through relaxation and reduction in anxiety.
Unfortunately, spa massage assault claims are on the rise as experienced abusers infiltrate an industry that relies heavily on trust and does not always have the structures and protections in place to handle sexual abuse claims in a timely or responsible way.
Reporting spa massage sexual abuse helps hold perpetrators accountable, preventing future harm. It also forces large chains to confront and change negligent practices that endanger clients.
Filing a sexual assault claim can be intimidating, but victims don’t have to take this step alone. The Jacksonville spa sexual assault lawyers at Florin|Roebig offer all potential clients a free initial consultation and expert legal guidance throughout the filing process. Our experienced team is ready to help you fight for the compensation you need to recover.
Understanding Sexual Assault in Spa and Massage Settings
Massage therapist sexual assault is a devastating trauma to which every victim responds differently. Some report the abuse immediately. Others remain silent for years, struggling to recover alone.
Survivors deal with a wide variety of potential responses affecting their physical, mental, and emotional health. Many face struggles in their personal relationships, jobs, and ability to relax and enjoy life.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Some may wonder how an incident with such severe consequences can be so difficult for people to understand and identify. However, the truth is that there is significant variation in spa misconduct claims, and the type of abuse victims are subjected to is very broad.
While some abusers do attack suddenly and violently, many types of abuse are much more subtle. Experienced predators often engage in a slow escalation of inappropriate behavior, making it difficult for clients to know where and how to draw the line.
Frequently, these abusers use the intimate nature of massage as an excuse or explanation for their crimes. Many survivors are subjected to manipulation and dismissal when they bring up issues, both by the abuser and by their place of employment.
The list below offers an incomplete sample of examples of massage sexual assault.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual bodywork or inappropriate touching during massage
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
Sexual assault can happen to anyone, anywhere, at any time. According to RAINN, an American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. Remember that you are not alone and that expert legal advice is available.
Why Spa and Massage Sexual Assault Occurs
While many states have stepped up efforts to control industry standards through state and local level licensing and monitoring, these efforts are not enough to solve the systemic issues that make spa and massage sexual assault so common.
The causes of massage sexual misconduct are varied. Massages involve a lot of intimate touch and usually take place in private. Clients rightfully expect a level of professionalism, safety, and expertise from their massage therapist. Unfortunately, many clients fall victim to therapist abuse of trust, with some perpetrators hurting dozens of people before they are finally reported and caught.
Businesses—even large chains with ample resources—often fail to conduct or maintain employee background checks, and many do not enact safety measures like panic buttons in the massage room. When employees are reported for inappropriate behavior, many businesses do not have procedures in place to investigate claims or follow up with potentially dangerous employees, leading to a lack of spa accountability.
In one example of spa negligence, the former CEO and co-founder of Massage Heights, Shane Evans, admitted on the stand during a trial that during her tenure, she knew of at least 53 reports of sexual misconduct that the company failed to follow up on.
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Major chains like Massage Envy, Massage Heights, Elements Massage, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa, and Spavia Day Spa consistently fail to take steps to protect their clients from serial abusers. Holding negligent spa owners accountable for their part in the harm you’ve experienced forces these big businesses to reexamine negligent policies and opens up further avenues for compensation for victims.”
Steps to Take if You Are Sexually Assaulted During a Spa or Massage Session
Sexual assault is a significant trauma that leaves many survivors unsure of what to do and where to turn for help. Many struggle with anger, depression, and confusion, which can make concentrated action difficult.
However, Jacksonville sexual abuse victims have options for support and action that can help them protect their right to compensation and justice. The list below offers some simple guidance meant to help victims and their trusted loved ones take meaningful steps in the wake of an assault.
Steps to take after a spa or massage assault:
- Protect yourself: Leave the situation and secure a safe location immediately. Although it may feel awkward, remember that you do not owe anyone an explanation for stopping a treatment or session.
- Document everything: Detailed, consistent, and accurate documentation makes your claim more substantial and likely to succeed. Note the therapist’s details, including the date, time, and exact behavior.
- File a report: Many victims hesitate to make a report out of fear, shame, or confusion, but it’s best to report sexual assault as soon as possible. Inform spa management and local law enforcement. Preserve any records of communication between yourself and the facility where the assault occurred.
- Protect the evidence: The clothing you wore during the assault, receipts, communication records, and witness information are all critical pieces of evidence that can be used to build your case.
- Seek legal advice: Working with an experienced sexual abuse attorney allows you to protect your legal rights to justice and compensation. Sexual assault cases are complex. Your lawyer can help you navigate every step of the process.
Reporting Sexual Assault to Authorities and Institutions
It’s best practice to file a sexual assault report immediately after an incident. Doing so helps preserve evidence and prevents abusers from victimizing additional clients. However, reporting can be mentally and emotionally challenging for many victims who may be dealing with feelings of fear, shame, and uncertainty.
Filing a spa sexual misconduct report is the first step victims must take to pursue justice and compensation for the harm done to them. Even if you could not report your assault immediately, taking action once you feel safe can help you build a stronger case while preventing future harm.
- Law Enforcement: Victims can file a sexual assault report with Florida law enforcement using the police nonemergency number or in person at a police station. Sexual assault is a serious crime, and making a report allows the state to pursue criminal charges after an investigation.
- Corporate reporting: Report the incident to facility management as soon as possible, either in person, by phone, or via email. Victims can also report the incident to headquarters using contact information on the brand’s website if the company is a franchise or part of a chain.
- State Licensing/Professional Organizations: Many states and cities have licensing boards or professional organizations to which local practitioners are accountable. Reporting to these organizations can lead to professional sanctions—such as delicensing—that prevent future harm.
Legal Rights of Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault in Florida
Florida sexual assault laws group many forms of sexual violence under a single label called sexual battery. Survivors in Florida have a relatively generous amount of time to file a sexual assault claim. Victims have between four years and an unlimited time to file a lawsuit, depending on the circumstances.
Factors that affect the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims:
- The age of the victim
- If the assault is considered aggravated
- Whether you are filing criminal or civil charges
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Although the statute of limitations for sexual assault cases in Florida is comparatively generous, it’s best to seek legal help as soon as possible. Experienced legal guidance ensures that your case meets critical guidelines and that crucial evidence does not degrade or disappear. The sooner you get help, the better the chances are for a successful outcome.”
In Florida, many cases of sexual assault are tried in the criminal and civil courts simultaneously. The choice to file criminal charges lies with the state following an investigation by law enforcement. Not all investigations lead to a trial because seeking a criminal conviction requires the prosecution to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
Criminal trials focus on punishing the perpetrator rather than compensating the victim. A criminal conviction usually results in punishments like fines or prison time. This focus on punishment makes civil trials crucial for protecting the legal right for victims to seek compensation for the harm done to them.
Civil trials focus on securing compensation for the victim. Survivors can seek compensation from the perpetrator, and many can also take action against negligent spas and facilities for their share of the harm.
Why You Need a Jacksonville Spa Massage Sexual Assault Lawyer
Seeking legal representation for sexual abuse is one of the best things a survivor can do to protect their ability to seek justice and compensation. Sexual assault is a complex and sensitive topic, and navigating the legal technicalities without the assistance of experienced sexual assault lawyers can be draining and unproductive.
Florin|Roebig’s Jacksonville abuse attorneys assist their clients with every step of the legal process. The right lawyer can help you investigate and gather evidence to build a strong civil case that will allow you to pursue compensation while the criminal courts work to punish your abuser. By working with a local firm with national clout, our clients benefit from our strong understanding of local and state regulations and the resources of a nationally ranked law firm.
Our Featured Case Results
Compensation for Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault
The compensation awarded in Jacksonville sexual abuse claims is usually monetary. Money is awarded to the victim for “damages.” These damages are awarded to compensate the victims or punish the abuser and other responsible parties.
When seeking compensation for sexual assault victims, an experienced sexual assault lawyer can be crucial in ensuring that their clients receive the full amount they are due. Your lawyer can help you understand and pursue all your potential compensation options.
Types of damages in abuse cases:
- Compensatory damages: Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the victim for tangible and intangible harm, such as physical injuries, therapy costs, emotional trauma, lost wages, and other financial losses.
- Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator and deter them from committing similar crimes in the future. They are only granted in cases of gross negligence.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Assault Case
Florin|Roebig attorneys are sexual abuse experts with decades of combined experience navigating complex sexual assault claims. Since our founding in 1985, our team of top-rated sexual abuse lawyers has been helping clients secure the maximum compensation possible for their claims. We’ve won over $1 billion in results for our clients, including a record-setting $47.4 million verdict in a massage abuse case in Florida.
Our expert Jacksonville spa sexual misconduct lawyers offer potential clients a free initial consultation to help them understand their options. We provide personalized guidance and care, assisting clients with navigating every step of the claims process.
The Best Law Firms® report named Florin|Roebig a distinguished law firm in 2025. Our firm has a national reach and the resources needed to take on major chains. Florin|Roebig is dedicated to helping every client get the justice and compensation they need to recover.
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
FAQs About Spa Massage Sexual Assault Claims
Can I sue the spa or massage therapist for sexual assault?
Depending on the circumstances of your case, you may be able to hold both the perpetrator and the spa or massage facility accountable for your injuries.
What if I didn’t report the assault immediately?
Many victims don’t report immediately. You can still pursue a sexual abuse lawsuit so long as the statute of limitations has not passed.
How long do I have to file a claim in Florida?
It varies. Victims under the age of 16 at the time of the assault have an unlimited amount of time to pursue justice. Adults have four years.
What types of evidence do I need for a sexual abuse case?
Witness statements, police reports, communication records, and medical reports or evaluations are common types of evidence. Your lawyer can help you gather and organize them.
How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for my case?
The best lawyers work on contingency, meaning they don’t get paid until you win your case. After a win, the lawyer is paid a predetermined percentage of the compensation.
Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
Sexual assault is a devastating trauma, and it can be hard to know where to turn and what to do after it happens. Florin|Roebig’s Jacksonville sexual abuse lawyers can help victims of spa and massage sexual assault seek justice and compensation.
Florin|Roebig attorneys have been providing expert legal help for sexual assault victims since 1985. As a nationally ranked law firm, our team has the experience and resources to help clients hold their abusers and the negligent companies that employ them accountable.
Our team provides all clients with personalized guidance throughout the legal process. We work with you to help you understand your options, allowing you to focus on recovery while we fight for the compensation you need to recover.
If you’ve experienced massage sexual assault and you need help, don’t try to fight alone. Contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
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