Getting a massage should be a relaxing, pleasant experience. Whether you regularly use massage as part of your long-term care or want an enjoyable and soothing vacation experience, you deserve to be able to book an experience without fear.
Unfortunately, experienced abusers can take advantage of the privacy and high-contact nature of massage to do deep and lasting harm to unsuspecting clients. Although many states have stepped up licensing efforts, many prominent massage chains do not have safety measures or reporting procedures to keep their clients safe.
Working with an experienced legal advisor to make a sexual abuse claim allows victims of spa massage assault to pursue justice and compensation for their injuries. Florin|Roebig’s Miami spa sexual assault lawyers help their clients hold abusers accountable, preventing further harm and forcing big massage chains to reconsider their negligent policies.
Florin|Roebig’s expert personal injury lawyers have the experience, tools, and resources to navigate complex sexual assault cases, reducing the burden on clients while maximizing potential compensation. We want to help you pursue justice and compensation for your injuries.
Understanding Sexual Assault in Spa and Massage Settings
Anyone can be a victim of massage therapist sexual assault regardless of age, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. According to RAINN, an American is assaulted every 68 seconds, and it can happen anywhere, at any time.
Sexual abuse is a devastating trauma that can have lasting consequences for victims. Many victims struggle with a variety of physical and mental conditions that can make everyday life more difficult. In addition to medical issues, many victims find that surviving assault also impacts their relationships, work, and ability to enjoy life.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Assault is deeply traumatic, which is one of many reasons it is historically underreported. Spa massage assault can be even more challenging to identify. Spa misconduct claims are unusual in that many victims do not even realize that they were assaulted at first.
Abusers do not all behave in the same way. Some abusers attack suddenly and violently, engaging in clear wrongdoing. Others engage in escalating patterns of inappropriate behavior, taking advantage of the intimate and private nature of massage to excuse or explain their crimes.
In many cases, the perpetrator and the facility they work at will work together to manipulate and dismiss victims, prioritizing continued profit over client safety.
The list below offers some common examples of massage assault. If you have experienced any of these violations, we encourage you to report the incident to the facility and local law enforcement and seek legal guidance as soon as possible.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual bodywork or inappropriate touching during massage
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
Why Spa and Massage Sexual Assault Occurs
With several significant cases in the news in recent years, it can feel like spa and massage sexual assault is increasingly common. So why do major chains—like Massage Envy, Massage Heights, Elements Massage, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa, and Spavia Day Spa—seem unable to avoid employing serial predators?
One of the primary causes of massage sexual misconduct is a lack of spa accountability in preventing therapist abuse of trust. Massage requires intimate touch, and many massage parlors place clients and therapists in private settings with little supervision. These circumstances allow experienced predators to abuse clients, often for years before they are caught and stopped.
A recent expose by BuzzFeed News revealed that Massage Envy therapists had been accused of sexual assault by more than 180 women. In addition to the physical harm they were subjected to, many of these victims were further traumatized by the disorganized and dismissive way the franchise handled their claims.
Many businesses do not have adequate procedures for handling reports of massage assault, leading them to drop the ball when it comes to investigating reports and dealing with potentially abusive employees. Many spa and massage locations fail to conduct regular background checks and do not have preventative policies to protect clients during treatment.
Steps to Take if You Are Sexually Assaulted During a Spa or Massage Session
Frequently, Miami sexual abuse victims feel trapped, struggling with feelings of anger, depression, and helplessness. Many are unaware of their legal options and the support available to them.
If you’ve been the victim of spa massage sexual abuse, you have options. If acting on the steps below feels too overwhelming, try confiding in a trusted loved one who can help you access the support you need.
Steps to take after a spa or massage assault:
- Protect yourself: Ensure your physical safety. Leave the premises and do whatever you need to do to get away. Causing a scene may feel awkward or unnatural, but it can get you assistance and attention.
- Document everything: Record the therapist’s details, including the date, time, and behavior. Detailed, consistent, and accurate documentation strengthens your claim and increases its likelihood of success.
- File a report: It’s best practice to report sexual assault immediately. Victims should inform spa management and make a report to law enforcement as soon as possible. Try to preserve any records of communication between yourself and the facility where the assault occurred.
- Protect the evidence: Act quickly to preserve crucial evidence. The clothing you wore during the assault, receipts, communication records, and witness information can all be used to build your case.
- Seek legal advice: An experienced sexual assault attorney can help protect your legal rights while guiding you through every stage of filing your claim. Sexual assault cases are complex, and navigating them can be emotionally draining for victims trying to handle things alone.
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Many victims struggle with the complexities of the legal aftermath of sexual assault. Working with an experienced sexual abuse attorney who can help with investigating, gathering evidence, and filing can reduce this burden, allowing victims to focus on recovery.”
Reporting Sexual Assault to Authorities and Institutions
While it can be intimidating, choosing to file a sexual assault report is the first step survivors must take to get justice and compensation for their injuries. It isn’t unusual for victims to delay or hesitate when reporting assault. Many fear judgment or disbelief. Others may have a complex history with law enforcement or misunderstandings about the legal system that prevent them from acting.
Victims can seek help from loved ones and their legal representation to understand and complete the reporting process.
Where to file a sexual assault report:
- Law Enforcement: Victims should file a spa sexual misconduct report with Florida law enforcement. Sexual assault is a serious crime, and making a report allows the state to pursue criminal charges after an investigation. Reports can be made using the police non-emergency number or at a local police station.
- The Business: As soon as possible, inform management at the facility where the assault occurred in person, by phone, or via email. If the business is a franchise or part of a chain, victims can also use the contact information on the brand’s website to report the incident to corporate.
- State Licensing/Professional Organizations: State and local-level licensing boards and professional organizations work to hold practitioners accountable. These organizations can enact professional sanctions like delicensing to prevent future harm.
Legal Rights of Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault in Florida
In Florida, sexual assault, sexual abuse, and rape all fall under the category of sexual battery, a catchall term that allows the legal system to standardize handling of these types of cases. Because sexual assault is a crime, cases of sexual assault often travel through the civil and criminal courts simultaneously.
Criminal trials are pursued by the state pending the results of an investigation. Not every investigation will trigger a criminal trial. The burden of proof in criminal trials is high; the state must prove the accused’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. When a conviction occurs, the result is punishment for the perpetrator, such as fines or jail time.
Civil trials are a vital way of protecting the legal right for victims to seek justice and compensation for their injuries. The burden of proof is lower, allowing many victims a second chance at justice even if a criminal trial did not result in a conviction. Many survivors can seek compensation from both the perpetrator and the spa facility where they worked.
Florida sexual assault laws offer victims a relatively generous amount of time to file a sexual assault claim. Victims have anywhere from four years to unlimited time to file a civil claim, depending on the circumstances of their case.
Factors that affect the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims:
- The age of the victim
- If the assault is considered aggravated
- Whether you are filing criminal or civil charges
Why You Need a Miami Spa Massage Sexual Assault Lawyer
Working with a team of experienced sexual assault lawyers gives your claim the best possible chance of success. Expert legal representation for sexual abuse can help minimize errors, reduce client stress, and maximize potential compensation.
Florin|Roebig’s Miami abuse attorneys guide their clients through the many complexities of filing a Florida sexual assault claim. Our team helps investigate and gather evidence to build the strongest case possible.
By pursuing a civil claim, survivors help secure their route to financial and physical recovery by seeking compensation from those who have harmed them. Even a successful criminal trial that leads to a conviction will not provide compensation for the victim.
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Large spa and massage chains have legal teams on retainer to protect them from the consequences of their negligent and dangerous policies. Victims of sexual assault deserve equally thorough and expert representation. At Florin|Roebig, we work tirelessly to ensure our clients are justly compensated for their injuries.”
Our Featured Case Results
Compensation for Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault
Victims of spa massage sexual assault have the right to seek compensation for their injuries. Miami sexual abuse claims allow survivors to access critical monetary compensation that can help them recover from the harm done to them.
Depending on the exact circumstances of the claim, compensation is awarded for various types of damages. These damages can be awarded to compensate the victim or punish the perpetrator.
Types of damages in abuse cases:
- Compensatory damages: Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the victim for tangible and intangible harm, like physical injuries, therapy, pain and suffering resulting from emotional trauma, lost wages, and other financial losses.
- Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator and deter them from committing similar crimes in the future. They are only granted in cases of gross negligence.
The assistance of an experienced sexual abuse lawyer can be critical in securing fair and just compensation for sexual assault victims. A good lawyer understands all of the avenues of compensation available to you and can help you ensure that everyone responsible for your assault is held accountable.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Assault Case
Named a Distinguished Law Firm in 2025 by Best Law Firms® report, Florin|Roebig attorneys have been helping clients get the justice and compensation they are due since 1985. We’ve won over $1 billion in results since our founding, including a record-breaking $47.4 million verdict in a Florida massage abuse case.
Our team of top-rated sexual abuse lawyers has the expertise and resources to help clients navigate the complexities of sensitive sexual assault claims. We offer all prospective clients a free initial consultation to help them better understand their options for compensation.
Florin|Roebig’s Miami spa sexual misconduct lawyers provide personalized, compassionate support throughout the claims process. As a major firm with local offices in Florida, we are uniquely positioned to provide local support and national clout, allowing our clients to take on major massage chains and win.
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
FAQs About Spa Massage Sexual Assault Claims
Can I sue the spa or massage therapist for sexual assault?
It depends on the exact circumstances of your claim. Many victims can hold both the massage therapist and the spa accountable for their injuries.
What if I didn’t report the assault immediately?
Survivors can still file a lawsuit even if they did not report the assault immediately as long as the statute of limitations has not passed.
How long do I have to file a claim in Florida?
It depends on your circumstances and the details of your claim. Victims in Florida have between four years—for adult victims—and an unlimited amount of time—for victims under 16 at the time of the assault—to file a claim.
What types of evidence do I need for a sexual abuse case?
Witness statements, police reports, communication records, and medical reports or evaluations are common types of evidence. Your lawyer can help you gather evidence to build your claim.
How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for my case?
Most reputable lawyers work on contingency, meaning you don’t pay anything until you win your case. The lawyer then receives a predetermined percentage of the award amount.
Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
Florin|Roebig attorneys are experts in the personal injury field. Our Miami sexual abuse lawyers provide top-quality legal help for sexual assault victims, offering free case assessments and individualized guidance throughout the entire claims process.
Our firm has the resources and experience to hold perpetrators accountable, allowing our clients to pursue the full amount of compensation they are due. Working with trusted legal representation from Florin|Roebig enables survivors to focus on recovery while our team pursues justice on their behalf.
Whether you need help negotiating an advantageous settlement or someone to argue your case in court, our team of experts can help. Contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
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