When done correctly, massages have genuine physical and emotional benefits. A good masseuse can ease muscle soreness, reduce anxiety, and increase relaxation, improving clients’ quality of life. Clients deserve to seek out these services without fear of physical or emotional harm.
Unfortunately, the massage space has been infiltrated by experienced serial abusers who take advantage of the privacy and intimacy of the spa massage setting to do devastating harm to victims. Often, these abusers have a long trail of complaints from previous clients that were missed or ignored by the institutions employing them.
If you have experienced massage sexual assault, you are not alone. Florin|Roebig’s attorneys in the Fort Worth area have the experience and tools to handle sensitive sexual abuse claims. Our team of experts provides expert legal guidance to every client, reducing stress while maximizing potential compensation.
Let Florin|Roebig help you hold your abuser and their employers accountable for their violence and negligence. Schedule a free case assessment to speak to one of our expert team members about your options.
Understanding Sexual Assault in Spa and Massage Settings
Sexual assault is a common and devastating problem in the U.S. According to RAINN—the organization that runs the National Sexual Assault Hotline—an American is sexually assaulted every 68 seconds. Sexual abuse can affect anyone, regardless of age, gender, or socioeconomic status, and it can happen anywhere, even in situations where victims should be able to relax.
Massage therapist sexual assault can look different in every claim. Some abusers engage in a slow escalation of inappropriate and boundary-violating behaviors. Others attack out of nowhere, engaging in sudden and shocking violence.
The variation in spa misconduct claims can make it difficult for victims to understand what has happened to them. Many may not realize that they were assaulted immediately, especially if their abuser or the facility actively works to manipulate or gaslight them into doubting their experiences.
The list below represents some common red flags to look out for during a massage. If you have experienced these things, file a report with local law enforcement and seek legal guidance immediately.
Examples of inappropriate behavior during a massage:
- Sexual or inappropriate comments
- Nonconsensual bodywork or inappropriate touching during massage
- Failure to respect boundaries (i.e., touching areas you have asked them to avoid)
- Exposure of sexual body parts
- Attempts to initiate sexual contact during or after massage
- Excessive force
- Removal of clothing or covering against your will
- Nonconsensual sexual acts
- Penetration of any kind
Sexual assault is a traumatic event that can have devastating physical, mental, and emotional consequences for survivors. Many victims are impacted socially and financially as they work to recover their health following an assault.
Impacts of sexual abuse:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Dissociation
- Eating disorders
- Flashbacks
- Insomnia
- Isolation
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Panic attacks
- Physical pain/discomfort
- Self-harm
- Sleep disorders
- Sexually transmitted infections (STI)
- Vaginismus
Florin|Roebig attorney Taylor Roebig says, “Many victims of sexual assault need ongoing physical and mental healthcare as they work to recover from the trauma of assault. Filing a sexual assault claim helps survivors access necessary resources, allowing them to focus on recovery. At Florin|Roebig, we are dedicated to helping every client get the justice and compensation they are due.”
Why Spa and Massage Sexual Assault Occurs
Spa massage sexual assault has ended up in the news with alarming frequency over the past few years. Major chains like Massage Envy, Massage Heights, Elements Massage, Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa, Spavia Day Spa, and innumerable privately owned institutions have all employed experienced serial abusers.
Which begs the question, why is sexual abuse so common in massage spaces? One of the primary causes of massage sexual misconduct is a lack of spa accountability. Many major chains do not do adequate background checks on their employees. This negligence gives individuals with a documented history of violence, abuse, and harassment access to thousands of vulnerable and trusting clients.
Many chains also do not have policies that actively improve client safety or address client complaints. In one recent trial, Shane Evans, Massage Heights co-founder and former CEO, admitted on the stand to the knowledge of at least 53 reports of sexual misconduct that the company simply chose not to follow up on.
This lack of diligence on the part of spa owners creates a perfect breeding ground for therapist abuse of trust, allowing experienced abusers to continue offending for years. These perpetrators understand how to exploit the private environment of most spas and the inherently high-contact and intimate nature of massage, hiding in plain sight until enough of their victims choose to hold them accountable.
Steps to Take if You Are Sexually Assaulted During a Spa or Massage Session
Many victims of sexual assault struggle with what to do next, and many do not understand the support options available to them. Survivors often face feelings of depression, anger, and helplessness that leave them feeling trapped or stuck.
Remember that you have more power than you think you do. Fort Worth sexual abuse victims can take steps following an assault to hold the perpetrator accountable and seek compensation for their injuries.
Steps to take after a spa or massage assault:
- Stay safe: Your priority is to protect yourself. Leave the premises and secure a safe location. Do whatever you need to do to get away. Yell and cause a scene if you need to.
- Document the incident: Details matter when filing a claim. Do your best to record the therapist’s details, including the date, time, and behavior. Having documented, consistent, and accurate information makes your claim more substantial and likely to succeed.
- Make a report: Although it can be challenging, it’s best to report sexual assault as soon as possible. Victims should inform spa management and make a report to law enforcement. If possible, ensure you have records of any communication between yourself and the facility.
- Preserve any evidence: Your clothing, receipts, communication records, and witness information can all be used to build your case. Acting quickly to preserve crucial evidence gives your case the best possible chance of success.
- Seek legal advice: Reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible. Working with an experienced sexual assault attorney can help prevent small mistakes that can have a big impact on your ability to collect compensation. Your lawyer can help protect your legal rights while guiding you through every stage of filing your claim.
Reporting Sexual Assault to Authorities and Institutions
Choosing to file a spa sexual misconduct report can be challenging for many survivors. Misunderstandings about the legal system, fear of social consequences or judgment, and discomfort with law enforcement are just some of the reasons victims may delay or avoid reporting an assault.
However, reporting is a critical step in seeking justice and compensation. If you feel unable to handle reporting on your own, know that it is perfectly normal to need support after a trauma. Confide in a trusted friend or family member who can help you.
- Law Enforcement: Victims can file a sexual assault report with Texas law enforcement using the police nonemergency number, or they can speak to an officer in person at a local police station. Reporting to law enforcement allows the state to open an official investigation that could lead to criminal charges.
- Corporate reporting: Reporting the incident to management at the facility and to corporate headquarters in cases where the assault occurred at a chain or franchise creates a paper trail that lawyers can use in building your case. Contact information for filing complaints can be found on the company’s website, while more local complaints can be made by phone, email, or in person.
- State Licensing/Professional Organizations: Reporting the abuser to the state licensing board or a local professional organization makes the professional community aware that they are dangerous. The consequences include delicensing, which makes it more difficult for them to re-offend.
Legal Rights of Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault in Texas
The usual statute of limitations for personal injury lawsuits in Texas is 2 years. However, one of the things Texas has done to protect legal rights for victims of sexual assault is to extend the statute of limitations for sexual abuse cases to acknowledge the difficulty many victims have with coming forward.
The statute of limitations for sexual assault cases can vary widely. Survivors have between 2 and 20 years to file a claim, depending on the exact circumstances of the victim and the nature of the crime.
Factors that affect the statute of limitations for sexual abuse claims:
- The age of the victim
- If the assault is considered aggravated
- Whether you are filing criminal or civil charges
Because sexual assault is a crime, perpetrators can be held accountable through both the civil and criminal court system. The state chooses whether or not to bring criminal charges against an abuser pending the results of a criminal investigation. Not all criminal investigations lead to a lawsuit.
In a criminal trial, the state must prove the perpetrator’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, requiring a high burden of proof. If they can do this, the offender is punished through fines, delicensing, or prison time.
Victims who wish to seek direct compensation are allowed to do so through Texas sexual assault laws governing civil lawsuits. The goal of a civil lawsuit is to seek compensation for the victim. Survivors can seek compensation from the perpetrator and the business or franchise that employed them.
Civil lawsuits have a lower burden of proof, giving many survivors a second opportunity for justice even if a criminal lawsuit has failed.
Why You Need a Fort Worth Spa Massage Sexual Assault Lawyer
If you have been assaulted in a spa massage setting, Fort Worth abuse attorneys can help you pursue a civil claim alongside any criminal lawsuits that may also be pending. Pursuing justice through the civil court system allows victims to access compensation for harm done to them.
Getting legal representation for sexual abuse is one of the best things you can do to increase your chance of a successful outcome, whether that is a settlement or a trial verdict. Experienced sexual assault lawyers help their clients with every stage of the claims process, working tirelessly to minimize mistakes and maximize potential compensation.
Your lawyer can help you investigate the incident and gather evidence, building a strong case that they can use to negotiate an advantageous settlement or take to trial. The right lawyer will work to help you understand all of your compensation options and help you choose the right path for you and your claim.
Our Featured Case Results
Compensation for Victims of Spa Massage Sexual Assault
Fort Worth sexual abuse claims can vary widely in their details and circumstances. Working with an experienced sexual assault lawyer ensures victims receive fair compensation for all of the harm done to them. Many victims begin by seeking compensation for physical injuries, but Texas courts recognize a much broader range of harm.
Compensation for sexual assault victims is generally monetary and can be awarded to compensate the victim or punish the perpetrator. The type and amount of damages you are eligible to receive depend on the exact nature of your injuries and the nature of the assault.
Types of damages in abuse cases:
- Compensatory damages: Compensatory damages are awarded to compensate the victim for tangible and intangible harm, like physical injuries or therapy, pain and suffering resulting from emotional trauma, lost wages, and other financial losses.
- Punitive damages: Punitive damages are awarded to punish the perpetrator and deter them from committing similar crimes in the future. They are only granted in cases of gross negligence.
How Florin|Roebig Can Help With Your Sexual Assault Case
Named a Distinguished Law Firm in 2025 by the Best Law Firms® report, Florin|Roebig’s top-rated sexual abuse lawyers are uniquely qualified to handle complex and sensitive sexual assault cases. Florin|Roebig attorneys have decades of combined experience navigating the complexities of Texas sexual assault law.
Florin|Roebig’s team of expert Fort Worth spa sexual misconduct lawyers offers every potential client a free consultation and individualized support throughout the claims process. We understand that every case is different and that every client needs compassionate, individualized attention.
Our experience and attention to detail are evident in our results. Since our founding in 1985, we have won over $1 billion for our clients, including a record-breaking $47.4 million verdict in a massage abuse case.
We Are Nationally Awarded Lawyers
FAQs About Spa Massage Sexual Assault Claims
Can I sue the spa or massage therapist for sexual assault?
Yes. Depending on the circumstances of your crime, you may be able to hold the perpetrator accountable through both the civil and criminal courts. You may also be eligible to collect damages from the business they work for.
What if I didn’t report the assault immediately?
Many victims are not able to report their assault immediately due to shock or other circumstances. You can still file a claim and receive justice and compensation even if you wait to make a report.
How long do I have to file a claim in Texas?
If you were an adult when the assault occurred, you have up to five years from the day of the assault to file a sexual assault claim in Texas. If you were a minor at the time of the assault, you may have up to 20 years after you turn 18 to file a claim.
What types of evidence do I need for a sexual abuse case?
Your lawyer can help you with gathering the necessary evidence. Common types of evidence include witness statements, police reports, communication records, and medical reports or evaluations.
How much does it cost to hire a lawyer for my case?
Most reputable personal injury lawyers work on contingency, meaning they aren’t paid unless you win your case. After a win, they are paid a predetermined percentage of the award amount.
Find the Help You Need Today at Florin|Roebig
Although it can be challenging, seeking legal help to hold perpetrators and negligent institutions accountable allows victims to pursue compensation for the harm done to them. Fort Worth sexual abuse lawyers like the ones at Florin|Roebig help clients with every step of their claim.
Florin|Roebig attorneys have the experience and tools to provide top-tier legal help for sexual assault victims. Whether you need help negotiating an advantageous settlement or need someone prepared to take your claim to court, our team has the resources and knowledge to get you the compensation you are due, regardless of the opposition.
If you’re ready to seek justice and compensation after an assault, contact Florin|Roebig today to discuss your case or schedule a free evaluation.
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